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Contact us ! 

Head office: 819-449-8531

Pick Up Location

1475 Thomas A. Dolan Pkwy

Dunrobin, Ontario

K0A 1T0

The Carnival Game Midway includes 3 classic games under one carnival big-top! Kids can line up at 3 different stations to try their luck. The built-in ringsY allow you to hang prizes. our choice of 8 games: Ring Toss, Milk Smash, Ferris Wheel Toss, Star Darts, Gone Bananas, Football Toss, Pin Tail on Donkey or Axe Throwing Contest. 

Carnival Midway 1

  • Size: 5'L x 38'W x 9.6'H

    Weight: 400 lbs

    Operators: 2 volunteers required

    Number of Players: 6

    Age: kids, teens and adults

    Power: 2 dedicated circuits or generator

    Includes: unit, blower, stakes/sandbags, and balls.

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